Merry Christmas 2023

Merry Christmas (Remember to turn on audio!)

I am grateful for a 2023 in both film and TV, I am grateful for:

- "Deadly Dream Bodies" was released on DR, which I made together with the highly visual and talented journalist/director Nicolaj Pedersen.

- "The Cry of a Sparrow" with the talented and highly competent director Ibi Støving at the helm, made it´s film festival rounds.

- "Politi i forfald" was released on Kanal 5/Discovery plus, with the experienced and seasoned duo Martin Kjær Jensen and Jesper Holm Pedersen as journalists.

I wish all my past and future business partners a Merry Christmas.

Kind regards.

Jacob Weiss - Weisscut

Politi i forfald/Police in decay

“Politi I forfald/Police in decay" has left the cutting room and started its journey on both broadcast Kanal 5 and streaming on Discovery Plus.

"The Danes can no longer count on the police to investigate crime and ensure safety on the streets. This is the sensational message from several officers who take part in the documentary series 'Politi I forfald/Police in decay' on Kanal 5. A new major Kantar Gallup survey, which was carried out in connection with the programme, supports this view with a consistent picture of the problem. Officers feel compelled to let criminals go free.”

Quote from Warner Bros Discovery press release

Das Weiss/Weis ich nicht!

Dear Jacob,

I hope you fancy a trip to the theater + possibly also to meet one day for a cup of coffee…..

 Hi Jakob,

I'm writing you because tomorrow on the radio program Hej P2 we have the theme "at the last minute" xxxx suggested I contact you....

 I´m never in doubt when screenwriter Jakob Weis will premiere his latest work, in this case the film "Tove's Room".

 It all started in 2018, when by chance I had got tickets to the premiere (in Odense) of his debut film "That time of year". Here I sat during the obligatory “flowers, speech and thank you round” in my seat with my thoughts already on, what I was going to eat on my way home. However, I was immediately pulled away from the kebab in my imagination and back in the cinema when I heard "This film was written by Jakob Weis/Jacob Weiss, but unfortunately he could not be here today". I immediately turned to the seat next to me and had to assure my companion that I neither wrote the film and that I in fact was present at the cinema.

Ever since then, I have had to periodically assure journalists, actors (Hunting their next audition), upcoming screenwriters, people looking for lecturers, etc. that unfortunately I´m probably not the Jakob Weis/Jacob Weiss they are looking for, even though I would argue that I´m exactly the Jacob Weiss people are looking for.

My suggestion to avoid future confusion is simple: A film written by Jakob Weis, edited by Jacob Weiss.

Best Actor: Riverside International Film Festival.

The youngest on the set of "The Cry Of A Sparrow" has won his very first film award. The talented Sylvester has won "Best Actor" at the Riverside International Film Festival. Beating out adult actors to win the award, indicates a bright acting career for the young talent. Huge congratulations from the edit bay to Sylvester.

"Simply Put...A very beautiful film"

The best feedback that a filmmaker (including me as an editor) can receive comes directly from an audience who sees the film for the very first time. After The Cry of a Sparrow won "Best Long Short Film" at a festival, we received this video with reactions from this very audience. It seems that the film has made an impression and hit a nerve with the audience "over there".

Deadly dream bodies open the debate in the Danish Government.

Deadly dream bodies, which I edited alongside my talented editor colleague Morten Holm and of course series director Nicolaj Pedersen, has gained momentum. This has resulted in the 3-program series being the most streamed on DRTV (Danish Broadcast Corporation) streaming platform, only a few days after the premiere. More important it has opened the debate, in the general population and the Danish Government, about the misuse of paraffin oil.

The reason why the series has had this strong of an effect is hard to say. But one suggestion could be that the series although, it deals with a larger social and healthcare problem, is a very personal and intimate story about three men's consequences from a wrong choice in their past.

Because the story is told by our main characters, I focused a lot on finding the story in their everyday life and decoding our main character's body language, facial expressions, speech pattern and their eyes. Since we are dealing with real people, who usually don´t talk about their feelings, their face and eyes reveal the internal struggle and huge emotions. Real people have their very own natural "performance" if you as an editor are willing to discover it.

Into the Ice nominated for the Danish Film Academy: Robert Award 2023.

The documentary Into the ice, that I worked on as an editing assistant, is nominated for best documentary at this years Robert Awards 2023. A big congratulation to diretor Lars Ostenfeld and rest of the team, I will be rooting for the film, when the winner is announced February 4th.

Coming a Theater Near You!

The summer and fall have been quite busy with a few projects that will premiere very soon.

Hollywood, Ibi Støving and Fredericia.

I had the pleasure of editing Ibi Støving's debut as a director on the short film "The Cry of a Sparrow". She assembled a great crew, including DOP Jesper Tøffner. Who´s last Hollywood outing as a DOP, the film Medievel by director Petr Jákl, is currently streaming on Netflix. The short was shot over the summer in my hometown of Fredericia and will premiere on December 9 in the Fredericia Panorama cinema.

DR (National Broadcaster) and Documentary.

During the fall, I frequented the editing rooms at DR in Aarhus. I was cutting a 4-part documentary series that will premiere on DRTV in 2023. Unfortunately, I cannot yet share what the series is about, but I am looking forward to showing it in the new year.


Deroute won Best Film at the LBTQ + Toronto / LA Film Festival in December. In addition to the lovely title, it was also acknowledged with a FEEDBACK video with reactions from the film audience. Lovely concept, where you as a filmmaker get a real and human response to your work. Really exciting to sit, here in Denmark, and hear reactions to our film from "Over There"

Into the Ice will open CPH:DOX 2022

Lars Henrik Ostenfeld's documentary, which I have had the pleasure of being a editing assistant on together with my good colleague and friend Peter Bjerggaard, opens this years CPH: DOX. A super relevant and, not least beautiful film, to be experienced in the cinema darkness. Niklas Engstrøm, artistic director of CPH: DOX, says: “When I saw INTO THE ICE, I had no doubt that we had found this year's opening film. Lars Henrik Ostenfeld has created a work that speaks straight into the all-pervading crisis of the time, but which is also so much more than a climate film. is now online!

In these social distancing times, I have made the distance to me as a Film and TV Editor a bit shorter. I have launced my website, where you can read more about; My experience, education and watch samples of previous work.

The website is:
